Thursday, January 05, 2012

Business Update

As most of you know by following on Face Book; we've moved to Germany!  I am not able to take orders at this time.  It is back to the Army Life for our family, and unfortunately that means our Daddy/Husband is gone a lot, and I'm a single parent...I've decided I need to have my  time free to take care of our two boys full time, and have no extra deadlines.  I have loved working on your creations and I pray I can do it again soon!  In the mean time- On the Markers and Mud face book page there is information about a great designer that I highly recommend. She is a long time friend of mine and designed my things before I started myself.  You will be thrilled with her work! Take care and I can't wait to be back!
Site Designed by Shabby Creations