Thursday, August 07, 2014

From a Mama...

We would like to share with you something that Katie, the mom of the Hurst Family wrote. Please consider helping them. Just a small contribution of 20$ will you get you something special, BUT will be live changing for a little girl waiting to come home.
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From Katie, Ellie's Mom~

We first saw Ellie about 3 years ago on Rainbow Kids. For a long time we have advocated for a family for her. Slowly, over time she grew in our hearts until it became unbearable to think of anyone else parenting this girl. We loved her, adored her! So, this winter we began the process of adopting her and making her officially a Hurst! When people hear of our adoption they want to know our heart, they want to know our thoughts. But sometimes that feels harder to put words to than it should. We have always tried to put The Lord first in our lives. We've failed many times, but that is our priority as a family. In living this way God impressed on our hearts to adopt a waiting child. First, we brought home Simon 15 months ago and watched God work miracles in is life. Our kids that came to us from other places do have special needs and I don't mind sharing them, but I always want to be careful in the way that I portray it. They are really beautiful people that God has allowed to live differently than us. But I never want those needs to define them to anyone else, to us or to them. Simon has thalassemia B major and requires a blood transfusion every three weeks. Ellie was born with no eyes. We often hear others saying that we have so much on our plate, and I suppose we do. But our hearts are overflowing with joy and love! We have our trials, we have our moments of wanting to be lazy and not head out to doctor yet again, but not to the extent of ever regretting our choices. When people think of our family I don't care if they remember our names, if they remember our faces, but I hope that later, when talking about us they remember that one family that just loved God, and followed Him into the unknown. I want what we do to be pleasing to God, and part of that is being able to parent these special blessings. Ellie is our beautiful, beautiful daughter who just happens to not have eyes, lives on the other side of the orphanage and requires the marathon of a lifetime to bring her home to us. We feel incredibly blessed that others want to join in on this journey.

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