Tuesday, August 05, 2014

From the Passenger Seat

This week we're pushing for the support of the Hurst family as they work toward bringing their sweet girl home to her forever family.  We want you to support them.  This is important work.  WE feel it's important.  The Hurst family feels it's important.  Several of our friends feel it's important.  But do YOU feel it's important?  Maybe you don't.  Why should you?  I'd like for you to ride in the passenger seat with me.

You see, I'm a passenger, too.  I don't drive the bus, so to speak.  As my Dad would say, "I don't have a dog is this fight." My husband and I aren't adopting.  Neither of us are adopted.  God blessed us with four beautiful children.  Our cup runs over.  Literally, some days.  No really, I over-filled my coffee cup this morning because I was trying to pour my coffee and direct lunch box construction at the same time.  It was a mess.  We have been blessed, and are content with what God has given us.  We have not been called into adoption.  But that doesn't get us out of taking care of orphans (or widows, for that matter, but we'll save that for another day).

We're Christians, so we're driven by a desire to live our lives as laid out for us in scripture.  James 1: 27 (CEB) says this:  "True devotion, the kind that is pure and faultless before God the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their difficulties and to keep the world from contaminating us."  It doesn't say HOW we're supposed to care for orphans (or widows, but, again...later).  God's good like that.  He's gives us flexibility in how we carry out His work.  I can help orphans by supporting those who adopt them.  I may not be in a place in my home or family to take on additional children, but that doesn't mean I'm off the hook.  It means just the opposite:  I have to find creative ways to do this work.  One way I can do that is by prayer.  I can pray for this family, this child and many, many others like them.  Even if you can't afford to shop with us and support this family financially, you CAN pray for them.  I can also support this family and many like them financially, by giving a donation directly to their cause.  Did you know you can do that on our shop website??  You can also support them financially and help raise awareness for adoption by purchasing one of our products on the website.  Even if you're not a Christian, you are a citizen of this world and this family is trying to make it a better place.  Won't you join with them?  Partner with us as we partner with them.  None of us can change the world alone, but together we can make a big difference.

While I have not discussed it in this post, adoption is very personal to me in a pretty unique way.  I promise to discuss it more when the time is right.  For now, come back everyday for a new story and a new perspective on what has become our passion.

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